
Showing posts from July, 2007


马来西亚的榴槤可说是世界上最好的榴槤! 这不是因为自己是大马人而如此说的. 因为事实就是如此!!! if u tasted it before, u will agreed with me. if not, you must don't like durian. Malaysia Boleh! 你吃了没?

LOST...who r the lost?

we all very familiar with the lost sheep story in HOLY BIBLE . (if not, pls let me know) . Lost but found. That's our Father's desires. The LOST is refer to those who never heard about the gospel and the salvation in Jesus Christ. BUT, now, most of the Christians also LOST. we lost in the secular world and totally forgot the calling from Heaven. prayerfully , we are lost but found. we are on the right track again.


跟随主的道路是一条窄路,一条成圣的道路. 一个软弱的人却承受属天的使命. 走在其中,象是羊进入狼群.危险,患难及挑战在等待着. 感谢神,羊有一个好牧人在顾念它. 谦卑受教,被牧羊人引导.心里火热,经历神的带领是真实的. 保持赤子之心,爱人要真,爱神要深. 这是我从神学院毕业时写下的感言.我再次思考!

church camp 2007

A new experience of church camp... we really stayed at camp site, but for children only(6-12yrs). looking forward for next church camp, and hopefully there will be a camp site for adults.